The Bengalis are great food lovers and take pride in their cuisine. A very important item of Bengali cuisine is the variety of sweets or mishti as they call them. Most of them are milk based and are prepared from chhena. Here is the most easiest sweet of them all to make at home using 3 ingredients only.
Video Recipe:
Now on how to make chena murki, here are the ingredients required and step by step
instructions :-
● 1 cup, Sugar
● 1⁄4 cup, Water
● 250gms, Paneer / Cottage Cheese
1. Firstly, heat the pan and add 1 cup of sugar to it.
2. Next add 1⁄4th cup water and let it boil and stir continuously to let the sugar dissolve.
3. Cook the syrup till it attains a one-string consistency.
4. Add the 250gms of cottage cheese and cook till the syrup coats the cubes well.
5. Remove from heat and keep swirling the pan till the cubes are thickly coated with the
syrup and separated from each other.
6. Finally, pour into a serving bowl and let it cool, then it's ready to serve.